How Do I Add a New Domain to WordPress?

Adding a new domain to WordPress is a fairly straightforward process. First, you will need to create a new folder on your server and name it “WordPress domains.

” Within this folder, create a file called “index.php” and add the following code:.

“Your new domain!”, “description” => “Here’s a brief description of your new domain!”, “author” => “Your Name”, “category” => “”, “tags” => “”, “public” => true, “private” => false, “password” => “”, “siteurl” => “”, “homepage” => “”, “saveurl” => “”, “email” => “”, “rss1″ => “”, “rss2″ => “″, “atom” => “”, “image” => “”, “comments_per_page” => 20, “comments_per_page_limit” => 100, “excerpt” => “This is an excerpt from your post.

“, “author_email” => “”, “author_name” => “”, “category_name” => “”, “thumbnail” => “”, “template_directory” => “”, “autoplay” => “false”, “loop” => “false”, “add_media” => “true”, “add_new_media” => “true”, “new_media_url” => “”, “tag_cloud” => “”, “tag_cloud_size” => “small”, “blog_style” => “default”, “comments_per_page_limit” => 100, “default_image” => “”, “menu_order” => “1”, “posts_per_page” => “5”, “show_in_menu” => “true”, “show_in_menu_icons” => “true”, “show_in_menu_title” => “true”, “show_in_menu_item” => “false”, “menu_position” => “2”, “menu_icon” => “”, “show_in_nav_menus” => “true”, “position” => “1”, “menu_class” => “”, “menu_type” => “dropdown”, “is_front_page” => “false”, “is_page” => “true”, “is_archive” => “false”, “is_search” => “true”, “is_feed” => “false”, “is_comment_feed” => “false”, “is_trackback” => “false”, “is_home” => “false”, “is_404″ => “false”, “is_category” => “”, “is_monthly” => “false”, “is_yearly” => “false”, “taxonomy” => “”, “__included” => “”, “default_category” => “”, “__included_fields” => “”, “__excluded” => “”, “default_taxonomy” => “”, “year_start” => “0000-00-00″, “year_end” => “9999-99-99″, “comment_count” => “0”, “comment_count_max” => “0”, “user_count” => “0”, “user_count_max” => “0”, “subscribers_count” => “0”, “subscribers_count_max” => “0”, “menu_order” => “0”, “posts_per.