How Do I Add a Price Table to WordPress for Free?

Adding a price table to a WordPress site is easy, and there are many free utilities available to help you do it. The most popular of these is undoubtedly WooCommerce, but there are also plugins available for both WordPress and Shopify.

To add a price table to your WordPress site using WooCommerce, first install the plugin and then go to the Settings page. From here, you will need to select the Add new item link, and then enter the following information:

Name: Price table

Type: Table

Description: This is where you will describe the purpose of the table.

Next, you will need to select the table type from the list, and then enter the following information:

Name: Product

Columns: 1

Rows: 10

You will then need to select the table data source from the list, and enter the following information:


Finally, you will need to set the price for each product in the table, and then click the Save button.

To add a price table to your WordPress site using a plugin, first install the plugin and then go to the Settings page. From here, you will need to select the Add new item link, and then enter the following information:

Once you have created the table, you will need to add a row for each product in the table. To do this, go to the Products page, and then click the Add new product link. In the new dialog box, enter the following information:

Description: This is where you will describe the product.

Price: $1.00

Once you have added the row, you will need to add the price table to the sidebar. To do this, go to the Widgets page, and then click the Add new widget link. In the new dialog box, enter the following information:

Widget Type: Table

Widget Position: Sidebar

Once you have added the row, you will need to add the price table to the footer. To do this, go to the Footer page, and then click the Add new widget link. In the new dialog box, enter the following information:

Widget Position: Footer.