How Do I Add a Review Widget to WordPress?

Adding a review widget to WordPress can be a great way to encourage your visitors to leave reviews of your site. There are a variety of review widgets available, so you can find the perfect one for your site.

To add a review widget to your WordPress site, first find a widget that meets your needs. Once you have found a widget that you want to use, follow these steps:

1. Go to the widget’s home page and click on the “Add this widget to your site” button.

2. On the next page, find and select the “Reviews” theme folder in the widget’s installation folder.

3. Click on the “Reviews” theme folder to open it.

4. Copy the “reviews.

php” file to your WordPress site’s “wp-content/plugins/” folder.

5. Paste the “reviews.

php” file into the “reviews” theme folder and activate the plugin.

6. Go to your WordPress site’s admin panel and click on the “Appearance” tab.

7. Click on the “Reviews” widget and select the “Reviews” theme to apply it to your site.

8. Click on the “Reviews” widget to open it.

9. Paste your site’s review text into the “Title” field and your site’s rating into the “Rating” field.

10. Click on the “Publish” button to publish your review.

11. Click on the “Close” button to close the widget.

12. Go to your WordPress site’s front-page and click on the “Reviews” widget to view your reviews.

13. Click on the “Add New Review” button to add a new review.



16. Congratulations! You have added a review widget to your WordPress site.