How Do I Add a Rich Snippet to WordPress?
Adding a rich snippet to your WordPress site can give your site an edge in the search engine results pages (SERPs). Rich snippets are text snippets that appear at the top of the results for certain search queries, such as “best WordPress themes” or “best WordPress plugins.”
To add a rich snippet to your WordPress site, first create a custom post type. You can find more information on custom post types in the WordPress Codex.
Once you have created the custom post type, add the following code to your theme’s functions.php file:.
add_action( ‘init’, ‘rich_snippet_init’); function rich_snippet_init() { register_post_type( ‘my-rich-snippet’, ); }
Now you need to add a meta box to your post type’s front-matter. To do this, open your theme’s files and locate the post type’s header.
php file. Underneath the post’s title, add the following code:.
Next, you need to add a meta box to your post’s content. To do this, open your post’s content editor and locate the post’s tag. Underneath the post’s
Finally, you need to add a meta box to your post’s