How Do I Add a Slideshow Do You a Header in WordPress?

Adding a slideshow to your WordPress site can be a fun and easy way to add some visual interest. To add a slideshow, follow these steps:

1. Go to your WordPress site’s header and create a new file called slideshow.


2. In slideshow.php, add the following code:

3. Add the following code to your header file:

define(‘WP_PLUGIN’, ‘your_plugin_name’);

4. Add the following line to your template-parts/slideshow.php file:

$args = array(

‘title’ => ‘Your slideshow title’,

‘title_tag’ => ‘h1′,

‘image_size’ => ‘200×200′,

‘image_repeat’ => ‘no-repeat’,

‘image_style’ => ‘slideshow’,

‘loop’ => false,

‘show_description’ => false,

‘show_summary’ => false,

‘show_date’ => false


5. In your slideshow.php file, add the following code:

$items = array();

$items[‘0′][‘item’] = array(

‘title’ => ‘First Item’,

‘title_tag’ => ‘h2′,

‘image_size’ => ‘100×100′,

‘loop’ => false

$items[‘1′][‘item’] = array(

‘title’ => ‘Second Item’,

$items[‘2′][‘item’] = array(

‘title’ => ‘Third Item’,

$items[‘3′][‘item’] = array(

‘title’ => ‘Fourth Item’,

$items[‘4′][‘item’] = array(

‘title’ => ‘Fifth Item’,

$items[‘5′][‘item’] = array(

‘title’ => ‘Sixth Item’,

$items[‘6′][‘item’] = array(

‘title’ => ‘Seventh Item’,

$items[‘7′][‘item’] = array(

‘title’ => ‘Eighth Item’,

$items[‘8′][‘item’] = array(

‘title’ => ‘Ninth Item’,.