How Do I Add a Title Attribute in WordPress?

Adding a Title Attribute in WordPress

Adding a title attribute to a post or page in WordPress is a quick and easy way to provide a more descriptive name for your content. Title attributes are also useful for creating custom menus and search engine optimization (SEO).

To add a title attribute to a post or page:

1. Go to the post or page you want to modify.

2. Click the “Attributes” tab.

3. Click the “Title” tab.

4. Enter the desired title into the “Title” field.

5. Click the “Update” button.

6. The title attribute will now be added to the post or page.

7. You can now use the title attribute to provide more descriptive content for your posts and pages.


Adding a title attribute to your posts and pages in WordPress is a quick and easy way to provide more descriptive content for your content.