How Do I Add a Top Banner in WordPress?

Adding a top banner in WordPress is a fairly simple process. First, you will need to create a new file named “header.

php” in your WordPress installation. Within this file, you will need to include the following code:.

Next, you will need to create a new file named “style.css” and add the following code to it:.header {

height: 100%;

}.header h1 {

color: #FFF;

font-size: 100%;.header h1 a {

text-decoration: none;.header h2 {

color: #000;

font-size: 75%;.header h3 {

font-size: 60%;.header h4 {

font-size: 40%;.header h5 {

font-size: 25%;.header h6 {

font-size: 15%;.header p {

margin-bottom: 0.5em;.header a {

background: #FFF;

border: 1px solid #000;

padding: 0;

header h1, .header h2, .header h3, .header h4, .

header h5, .header h6 {.

margin: 0;.footer {

#wrapper {

width: 100%;

#wrapper a {

padding: 5px;

#wrapper a:hover {

background: #000;

#wrapper img {

max-height: none;.inner {

margin: auto;.inner h3 {

padding: 10px;.inner h4 {.inner h5 {

padding: 3px;.inner h6 {

padding: 2px;.inner p {.inner a {.footer a {.footer p {

In addition to the header.php and style.

css files that you created in the previous step, you will also need to create a new file named “footer.php”.


Finally, you will need to add a link to the header.php file within the section of your WordPress site’s template. For example, if your site’s theme is called “MyTheme”, you would add the following line to your template’s section:
