How Do I Add a Year in WordPress?

Adding a year to a post or page in WordPress is very simple. There are a few different ways to do this, and all of them are covered in this short tutorial.

The first way to add a year to a post or page is to use the date() function. This function will return the date as a PHP date string.

To use this function, you will need to include the date() function in your post or page code, and then use the date() function to get the date you want.

Here is an example of how to use the date() function to add a year to a post:

The second way to add a year to a post or page is to use the wp_enqueue_scripts() function. This function will add the date() function to all of the scripts that are enqueued in WordPress.

To use this function, you will need to include the wp_enqueue_scripts() function in your post or page code, and then use the wp_enqueue_scripts() function to enqueue the date() function.

Here is an example of how to use the wp_enqueue_scripts() function to add the date() function to all of the scripts that are enqueued in WordPress:

add_action( ‘wp_enqueue_scripts’,


The third way to add a year to a post or page is to use the date() function inside of a WordPress loop. This means that you can use the date() function to add a year to a post or page without including it in the post or page code.

To use this method, you will need to include the date() function inside of a WordPress loop, and then use the date() function to get the date you want.

Here is an example of how to use the date() function inside of a WordPress loop to add a year to a post:

while ( have_posts() ) :


echo date( “Y” );

have_posts() ?>.