How Do I Add an Image to an Accordion in WordPress?

Adding an image to an accordion in WordPress is as simple as uploading the image to your server and placing it in the /wp-content/themes/ /images directory. Once the image is in place, you can use the wp_accordion() function to add it to the accordion.

To add an image to an accordion in WordPress, follow these steps:

Upload the image to your server. In the WordPress admin panel, go to the /wp-content/themes/ /images directory and find the image you want to use. If the image is in a subdirectory, you’ll need to specify the full path to the image. Click on the image to open it in a new window. Click on the file size (in bytes) to open the file in a new window. In the new window, you’ll need to enter the filename for the image. You can also enter the URL for the image. Click on the Save button. Click on the Publish button. In the WordPress admin panel, go to the /wp-content/plugins/ /admin.php file and locate the wp_accordion() function. Type in the following code: In the field, type in the title of the accordion. In the <content> field, type in the content of the accordion. In the WordPress admin panel, go to the /wp-content/plugins/ <plugin>/includes/widgets.php file and locate the accordion widget. Type in the following code: <?php echo get_template_part('accordion', 'content'); ?> In the<title> field, type in the title of the accordion. In the WordPress admin panel, go to the /wp-content/plugins/ <plugin>/includes/class-wp-accordion.php file and locate the accordion class. Type in the following code: <?php namespace WP_Accordion { public function build($args) { $this->content = ‘<br /><h3>‘ . __( ‘Content for Accordion: ‘ ) . ‘</h3><p>‘; $this->header = ‘<br /><h2>‘ . __( ‘Header for Accordion: ‘ ) .</p><p> ‘</h2><p>‘; $this->footer = ‘<br /><h2>‘ . __( ‘Footer for Accordion: ‘ ) . ‘</h2><p>‘; return $this; } }?> In the<title> field, type in the title of the accordion. ‘</h2><p>‘; $this->footer = ‘<br /><h2>‘ . ‘</h2><p>‘; return $this; } }?> In the<title> field, type in.<br /><div class="btrs-related-posts"><h3 class="btrs-related-posts__heading">7 Related Question Answers Found</h3><div class="btrs-related-posts-card"><h3 class="btrs-related-posts__title"> <a href=""> How Do I Add an Accordion to WordPress? </a></h3><div class="btrs-related-posts__content">Adding an accordion to your WordPress site is easy. All you need is a plugin and a few simple steps. 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