How Do I Add Code to Header and Footer in WordPress?

Adding code to header and footer in WordPress is a simple process. The header and footer are located at the very top and bottom of the document, respectively.

To add code to header or footer, first locate the header or footer in your document, and then locate the appropriate spot to add the code. To add code to the header, use the following code:


To add code to the footer, use the following code:

Once you have located the code you need, you can add the code using a simple text editor, such as Notepad++. For example, to add the text “Hello World!” to the header, you would type the following code into the header:

Hello World!

Once you have added the code, you can save your document and preview it in your WordPress site to make sure everything looks the way you want it to. If everything looks good, you can then save the document and publish it to your site.