How Do I Add Expired Headers to WordPress WP Rocket?

Adding expired headers to WordPress WP Rocket is relatively easy. The first step is to add a new setting to your WP Rocket account:

1. Click on the “Settings” tab in your WP Rocket account.

2. Under “General” settings, add a new setting called “Expired headers.”

3. Enter the expires header values for the headers you want to expire.

4. Click on the “Save” button to save your changes.

Now you’re ready to add your expired headers to your WordPress website. To do this, you first need to add a new header to your website.

1. Click on the “Header” tab in your WordPress website. Click on the “Add new header” button.

3. Enter the header name, values, and domain. Click on the “Save” button to add your new header to your website.

Now you need to add the expired headers to your website. Click on the “Expires” button.



7. Your website should now include the expired headers you added in step 4.