How Do I Add JavaScript to HTML in WordPress?

Adding JavaScript to HTML in WordPress is easy. Simply include the script tags and the necessary JavaScript code in the HTML of your post or page, and you’re ready to go.

When you include the script tags, WordPress will automatically add the necessary code for you. All you need to do is include the name of the JavaScript file, followed by the file’s path (without the .

js extension).

For example, if you wanted to include the script for the Google Maps JavaScript library, you would include the following code in your post or page:


Your readers can access the Google Maps JavaScript library by including the following line in their web browser:

Alternatively, you can include the code directly in your HTML using the script tag.

Concluding Thoughts

Adding JavaScript to HTML in WordPress is easy. Just include the script tags and the necessary code in the HTML of your post or page, and you’re ready to go.