How Do I Add Mailchimp Shortcode to WordPress?

Adding a Mailchimp shortcode to your WordPress blog is an easy way to keep your email list up-to-date and engaged. To add the code, first head over to the Mailchimp website and sign in.

From there, locate the “Add a Shortcode” option on the left-hand side of the screen and click on it.

Next, enter the following code into the “Shortcode” input field and click on the “Create Shortcode” button.

[mailchimp_signup form=”1″]

That’s it! Now, when you want to add a new email address to your list, just type [mailchimp_signup form=”1″] into your WordPress post or article, and Mailchimp will take care of the rest.


Adding a Mailchimp shortcode to your WordPress blog is an easy way to keep your email list up-to-date and engaged. You can find the code on the Mailchimp website, and all you have to do is type it in.