How Do I Add Multiple Posts to WordPress?

Adding Multiple Posts to WordPress

Adding multiple posts to WordPress is relatively easy. The first step is to create a new post.

After you create the post, you will need to add a new row to the post editor. This row will contain the information for the additional posts. To add the additional posts, you will need to follow these steps:.

1. Click on the Posts tab in the main WordPress screen.

2. Click on the Add New Post button.

3. In the Post Title field, enter a title for the additional post.

4. In the Body field, enter the content for the additional post.

5. Click on the Publish button.

6. Click on the Edit button for the additional post.

7. In the Post Format field, select the format for the additional post.

8. In the Taxonomy field, select the taxonomy for the additional post.

9. In the Categories field, select the category for the additional post.

10. In the Tags field, enter the tags for the additional post.

11. Click on the Update button.

12. Repeat these steps for any additional posts you want to add.

13. Click on the Publish button to publish the posts.

14. Click on the Edit button for the post you just published.

15. In the Categories field, select the category for the post.

16. In the Tags field, enter the tags for the post.


18. Click on the Publish button to publish the post.

19. Click on the Home button to return to the WordPress main screen.

20. Click on the Blog button to open the blog in a new window.


Adding multiple posts to WordPress is relatively easy. Once you have created the posts and added the required information, simply publish them and you are ready to go.