How Do I Add Neve to WordPress?

Adding Neve to WordPress is a fairly simple process. First, you will need to install the Neve plugin. After that, you will need to add the Neve plugin to your WordPress installation. Once it is installed, you will need to activate it. After activation, you will need to add a Neve channel to your WordPress site. You can find the Neve channel in the Settings section of your WordPress site. After you add the channel, you will need to add a Neve plugin to your channel. You can find the Neve plugin in the Plugins section of your WordPress site. After you add the plugin, you will need to configure it. You can find the Neve configuration in the Neve plugin settings.

After you configure the plugin, you will need to add a Neve channel to your site. You can find the Neve channel in the Channels section of your WordPress site. After you configure the plugin, you will need to add a Neve channel to your site. After you add the channel, you will be ready to start using Neve in your WordPress site.