How Do I Add Opt to WordPress?

Adding Opt to WordPress is fairly simple, and most users will be able to complete the process without any difficulty. The first step is to locate the opt directory on your server.

The opt directory is typically located at the root level of your website, and it typically contains a file called opt.php. If you can’t find the opt directory on your server, you can create it using the following command:.

php -S localhost:8080 -t opt

Once you have located the opt directory, you need to create a new file called opt.

The contents of the opt.php file should be as follows:.


‘log_level’ => 2,

‘log_file’ => ‘/var/log/WordPress/opt.log’,

‘error_log’ => ‘/var/log/WordPress/error.log’,

‘max_execution_time’ => 600000,

‘max_file_uploads’ => 20,

‘max_filesize’ => 2GB,

‘memory_limit’ => 128M,

‘upload_max_filesize’ => 128M,

‘upload_tmp_dir’ => ‘/tmp’,

‘cache_max_age’ => 365 days


if(isset($_POST[‘opt’])) {

$opts[‘output_dir’] = $_POST[‘output_dir’] . ‘/';

$opts[‘log_level’] = $_POST[‘log_level’] . ‘;';

$opts[‘log_file’] = $_POST[‘log_file’] . ‘/';

$opts[‘error_log’] = $_POST[‘error_log’] . ‘/';

$opts[‘max_execution_time’] = $_POST[‘max_execution_time’] . ‘;';

$opts[‘max_file_uploads’] = $_POST[‘max_file_uploads’] . ‘;';

$opts[‘max_filesize’] = $_POST[‘max_filesize’] . ‘ GB';

$opts[‘memory_limit’] = $_POST[‘memory_limit’] . ‘;';

$opts[‘upload_max_filesize’] = $_POST[‘upload_max_filesize’] . ‘;';

$opts[‘upload_tmp_dir’] = $_POST[‘upload_tmp_dir’] . ‘/';

$opts[‘cache_max_age’] = $_POST[‘cache_max_age’] . ‘ days';



Once you have created the opt.php file, you need to add the following lines of code to your WordPress configuration file:

define(‘OPT_DIR’, ‘/var/www/html/output’);

define(‘OPT_LOG_LEVEL’, 2);

define(‘OPT_LOG_FILE’, ‘/var/log/WordPress/opt.log’);

define(‘OPT_ERROR_LOG’, ‘/var/log/WordPress/error.log’);

define(‘OPT_MAX_EXECUTION_TIME’, 600000);

define(‘OPT_MAX_FILE_UPLOADS’, 20);

define(‘OPT_MAX_FILESIZE’, 2GB);

define(‘OPT_MEMORY_LIMIT’, 128M);


define(‘OPT_CACHE_MAX_AGE’, 365 days);

Once you have added the lines of code to your WordPress configuration file, you need to activate the opt options by running the following command:

php wp Opt settings activate

Once you have activated the opt options, you can begin to add opt-enabled plugins to your WordPress website.