How Do I Add Registration to WordPress Login?

Adding registration to WordPress login is a fairly simple process. First, you will need to install the wp-login.

php file from the WordPress repository. Once installed, you will need to add the following line to your login form:.


Next, you will need to add the registration form to your site. To do this, you will need to create a new file called registration.php and add the following code to it:

register_form( array(

‘action’ => ‘register’,

‘name’ => __( ‘Registration Form’, ‘twentytwelve’ ),

’email’ => __( ‘’, ‘twentytwelve’ ),

‘password’ => __( ‘password’, ‘twentytwelve’ ),

‘retype_password’ => TRUE



You will also need to include the wp-login.php file in your site’s header. To do this, you will need to add the following line to your site’s:


You are now ready to enable registration on your site. To do this, you will need to go to the WordPress admin area and click on the “Settings” link in the left-hand navigation menu.

From here, you will need to click on the “General” tab, and then click on the “User Registration” link. You will then need to enter the information for your registration form, and then click on the “Save Changes” button.