How Do I Add Reviews to My WordPress Site?

Adding reviews to your WordPress website is easy. All you need is a plugin and some HTML.

The plugin will take care of adding the reviews to your posts and pages, while the HTML will allow you to add the reviews right where you want them.

To add reviews to your WordPress site, you’ll first need to install a plugin called ReviewBuddy. ReviewBuddy is a free plugin and it allows you to add reviews to your posts and pages. After you’ve installed the plugin, go to your Posts section and select a post.

On the right-hand side of the screen, you’ll see a box called “Review This Post.” Click on the box and you’ll see a new box called “Add a Review.”.

To add a review, simply enter the name of the person who wrote the review and the rating that they gave the post. You can also add a comment if you want.

After you’ve added the review, click on the “Add Review” button and the review will be added to the post.

Now that you’ve added reviews to your WordPress site, you can’t go back. You’ll need to add the HTML that ReviewBuddy created to your posts and pages. To add the HTML, go to your Posts section and select a post.

On the right-hand side of the screen, you’ll see a box called “Edit This Post.” Click on the box and you’ll see a new box called “HTML.

Enter the following code in the HTML box and press Enter:


ReviewBuddy for WordPress


Rating: 5 stars


This plugin is amazing! I was able to add reviews to my posts and pages in a matter of minutes and it was really simple to use. I highly recommend it!

To add the review to your post, simply enter the following code in the body of your post:

To add the review to your page, simply enter the following code in the body of your page:

You can also add a link to the review in the comments of the post or page.

Finally, you can add a conclusion to your article about how to add reviews to your WordPress site.