How Do I Add Social Media Icons to WordPress Menu?

Adding social media icons to your WordPress menu is a quick and easy way to add social media presence to your blog. You can find icons for most popular social media platforms on the web, and simply add them to your WordPress menu using a plugin or a simple css file.

There are a few different ways to add icons to your WordPress menu. You can use a plugin like AddToMenu to add icons to your menu automatically, or you can use a simple css file to add icons to any menu item you want.

To add an icon to your menu using a plugin, add the following line to your wp-config.php file:

add_theme_support( ‘social-icons’ );

To add an icon to your menu using css, add the following line to your style.css file:

.menu-item a {

background-image: url(‘./images/social-icons.




Adding social media icons to your WordPress menu is an easy and quick way to add social media presence to your blog.