How Do I Add Subscriptions to My WordPress Site?
Adding subscriptions to your WordPress site is a breeze. In just a few simple steps, you can add a subscription form to your site and begin collecting subscription information from your visitors.
To add a subscription form to your WordPress site, follow these simple steps:
1. Add a new file to your WordPress site and name it subscribe.
2. In the subscribe.php file, add the following code:
addElement(‘fieldset’, ‘subscription’);
$form->addElement(‘label’, __(‘Subscribe to this blog:’));
$form->addElement(‘input’, ‘subscription_id’, ‘required’,
$form->addElement(‘input’, ‘url’, ‘required’,
$form->addElement(‘input’, ‘name’, ‘required’,
$form->addElement(‘button’, ‘submit’,
3. Add the following code to the bottom of the file:
$subscription_id = $_SESSION[‘subscription_id’];
$url = $_SESSION[‘url’];
$name = $_SESSION[‘name’];
echo ‘
Subscription ID: ‘ . $subscription_id . ‘
‘ . ‘URL: ‘ .
$url . ‘
‘ . ‘Name: ‘ .
$name . ‘
4. Save the file and return to your WordPress site.
5. Add a new subscription form to your site by clicking on the “Add New” button in the “Forms” section of your WordPress site.
6. In the “Form Type” dropdown menu, select “Subscription Form.”
7. In the “Form Name” field, enter the name of the file you created in step 2.
8. In the “Form Description” field, enter a brief description of the form.
9. In the “Form Fields” field, enter the following information:
• Subscription ID: The ID of the subscription that you want to collect information from.
• URL: The URL of the blog where the subscribers will be sent.
• Name: The name of the subscriber.
10. Select the “Submit” button.
11. The subscription form will be displayed on your WordPress site.
12. Collect the subscription information from your visitors by entering the subscription ID and the URL of the blog in the “Subscription ID” and “URL” fields, respectively.
13. Click on the “Submit” button to submit the form.
14. The subscription form will be automatically populated with the information you entered.
15. You’re done! Your subscription form is now up and running on your WordPress site.