How Do I Add Subtitles to WordPress Posts and Pages?

Subtitles are an often-requested feature for WordPress. Although it’s not difficult to add them, there are a few things to keep in mind.

To add subtitles to a post or page, first enter the post or page into the WordPress editor. Next, click the “Text” tab at the top of the editor.

Under “Text Formatting,” click the “Subtitles” button. This will open the Subtitles dialog box.

To add a new subtitle, type a title in the “Title” text field and then click the “Add” button. To add a subtitle to an existing title, click the “Select” button and then choose the title to add the subtitle to.

To change the subtitle text, click the “Text” tab at the top of the editor, click the “Subtitles” button, and then enter the new subtitle text in the “Text” field.

To delete a subtitle, click the “Select” button and then choose the subtitle to delete.

To change the language of the subtitles, click the “Language” button and then select the language from the list.

To preview the subtitles, click the “Preview” button.

To publish the post or page with the subtitles, click the “Publish” button.


Adding subtitles to WordPress posts and pages is easy, and there are several tips and tricks to keep in mind.