How Do I Add URL Parameters in WordPress?

Adding URL parameters in WordPress is easy. After you have created a post or page, click on the “Add New” button in the “Text” tab.

From the “Add New” menu, select “URL Parameters.”.

Now you will see a screen like the one below. Here you can add any number of parameters to your URL.

Simply enter the parameter name, followed by the value you want to assign to it.

For example, if you wanted to add a parameter that would specify the post’s category, you would enter the category name as the parameter name, and “tech” as the value.

After you have added all of the parameters you want, click on the “Submit” button. WordPress will now redirect your browser to the post or page, and the parameter values you specified will be available to use in the URL.


Adding URL parameters in WordPress is easy. Once you have created a post or page, simply click on the “Add New” button in the “Text” tab, and select “URL Parameters.” From the “Add New” menu, you can add any number of parameters to your URL. Simply enter the parameter name, followed by the value you want to assign to it.

After you have added all of the parameters you want, click on the “Submit” button to redirect your browser to the post or page. WordPress will now use the parameter values you specified in the URL.