How Do I Add WordPress to My Google Site?

Adding WordPress to a Google Site is simple. Head over to the Google Sites website and sign in.

From the left hand menu, click on “Settings.” Under “General,” click on “Add a site.” Enter the following information:.

Name: WordPress


Click “Create site.” You’ll be prompted to enter your Google Account credentials. Once you have logged in, you’ll see the WordPress site on the left hand side of the screen.

On the right hand side, you’ll see a “Add content” button. Click on it.

Now you’ll need to add a WordPress blog. Click on the “Add content” button again and this time enter the following information:

Title: My Blog

Description: A WordPress blog about whatever you want

Click “Create.” You’ll be taken to the “Blog settings” page where you’ll need to enter the following information:

Blog name: My WordPress Blog

Blog address:

Click “Save.” You’re now ready to start writing!

To add a WordPress post, click on the “Posts” tab and then click on the “Add new post” button. Enter the following information:

Title: My First WordPress Post


This is my first WordPress post. How do you like it?.