How Do I Auto Post From WordPress to Instagram?

Instagram is a wildly popular photo and video sharing social media platform with over 400 million active users. It’s easy to post photos and videos to Instagram, but if you want to post them automatically from a WordPress blog, there are a few things you need to do.

First, install the Instagram Automation Plugin. This plugin will allow you to post from your WordPress blog to Instagram automatically.

Once you have installed the plugin, go to the “Instagram” tab and click on the “Add New Post” button.

Next, enter the details for your new post. You will need to provide a title, a caption, and a hashtag.

You can also choose to post to a specific Instagram account or to all of your Instagram accounts.

Finally, click on the “Post” button and Instagram will take care of the rest. It will create a new post on your WordPress blog with the details you provided and add the photo or video you submitted to Instagram.


Instagram is a great way to share photos and videos with your followers. Automating the process of posting from your WordPress blog is a simple way to make sure your photos and videos are always up to date and available to your followers.

The Instagram Automation Plugin is a handy tool that makes the process easy.