How Do I Automatically Tweet a WordPress Post?

Twitter is a great way to share your thoughts and ideas with the world. However, if you want to automatically share a new WordPress post with your followers, you’ll need to use a plugin.

There are a few plugins that let you do this, but the best one we’ve found is called TweetThis.

Once you have installed the TweetThis plugin, you’ll need to set up a few settings. First, you’ll need to define a list of Twitter accounts that you want to automatically share posts from. Next, you’ll need to define a schedule for posting.

You can either have it post every time a new post is made, or you can have it post once a day. Finally, you’ll need to set up the TweetThis plugin to send a tweet when a new post is posted.

When you’re ready to post a new WordPress post, simply click the “Tweet This Post” button on your blog’s front-page. The TweetThis plugin will take care of everything else, including sending a tweet to your followers.

You can even add a link to the post in the tweet, if you’d like.


Using a plugin like TweetThis can help you automatically share new WordPress posts with your followers. Whether you want to post every time a new post is made, or only once a day, the plugin takes care of everything for you.