How Do I Change My WordPress URL From Command Line?

If you want to change your WordPress website URL from the command line, there are a few things you need to do. First, you’ll need to find your website’s current URL. To do this, open your website’s administration page (usually found at www.yourdomain.

com/wp-admin) and click on “Website Address.” Next, copy the website’s address that appears in the text area of the window. Finally, you’ll need to open a command line terminal and navigate to your website’s directory. Once there, you’ll need to type the following command:.

cd /var/www/

Next, you’ll need to run the following command:

url –shortening

This will return your website’s current URL in a shorter format. Finally, you’ll need to replace the URL in the command line with the shortened URL you just obtained.

For example, if your website’s current URL is, you would type the following command:.

url –shortening

Once you have replaced the URL in the command line, you can exit the command line terminal and reload your website.