How Do I Change Page Margins in WordPress?

Page margins are an important part of the design of any website. They can help you create a professional look and feel, and they can also help you to improve the readability of your pages.

In order to change the margins on your WordPress pages, you first need to open the “Settings” menu item from the WordPress toolbar. From the Settings menu, you will then need to click on the “Pages” tab.

From the Pages tab, you will need to click on the “Margins” button.

Once you have clicked on the Margins button, you will be able to set the margins for each of your WordPress pages. You will need to enter the left and right margin values in pixels, and you will also need to enter the top and bottom margin values in pixels.

Finally, you will need to click on the “OK” button to save your changes to the margins for your pages.

Now that you have set the margins for your WordPress pages, you can finalize your design by adding any necessary graphics and text. You can also use the margins to create different page types, such as a “Contact Us” page that requires a wider margin on the right side.


Page margins are an important part of the design of any website. By adjusting the margins on your WordPress pages, you can create a professional look and feel, and you can also improve the readability of your pages.