How Do I Change Related Products in WordPress?

When managing a WordPress site, it is important to be able to change related products. Related products are products that are related to the main product on your website.

For example, if you have a blog, you might want to be able to change the blog theme, post type, or add a blogroll.

Changing related products in WordPress is easy. To change a blog theme, go to your site’s administration area and click on the Themes tab.

On the Themes page, you will see a list of all the themes installed on your site. To change a blog theme, select the theme you want to use and click on the Change button.

To change a post type, go to your site’s administration area and click on the Posts tab. On the Posts page, you will see a list of all the posts on your site.

To change a post type, select the post type you want to use and click on the Change button.

To add a blogroll, go to your site’s administration area and click on the Blogroll tab. On the Blogroll page, you will see a list of all the blogs on your site.

To add a blogroll, select the blog you want to add the blogroll to and click on the Add button.