How Do I Change the Color in WordPress?

If you want to change the color of a WordPress post or page, there are a few different methods you can use.

Option One: Using the Color Picker

The first option is to use the Color Picker. To access it, go to the post or page you want to change the color of, and click the color button in the toolbar.

The Color Picker will open up, and you can select the color you want to use. You can also click the swatch next to the color to preview it in different colors.

When you’re done, click the OK button to apply the color to the post or page.

Option Two: Using a CSS File

Another option is to use a CSS file. To do this, go to the post or page you want to change the color of, and click the gear icon in the top right corner.

Click the Appearance tab, and then click the Stylesheet link in the sidebar.

Click the Add New Style button, and then select the CSS file you want to use.

In the CSS file, you will need to add a color property to the post or page. For example, you could add the following line to the bottom of the file:

.post { color: #000; }

Option Three: Using a Plugin

Another option is to use a plugin.

Click the Plugins tab, and then click the Add New Plugin button.

Select the plugin you want to use, and click the Install button.

When the plugin is installed, go to the plugin’s settings page. In the Color section, you will need to specify the color you want to use.

Click the OK button to apply the color to the post or page.


There are three different methods you can use to change the color of a WordPress post or page. The first option is to use the Color Picker, the second option is to use a CSS file, and the third option is to use a plugin.

ichever method you choose, be sure to follow the instructions carefully to avoid any problems.