How Do I Change the Color of a Button in WordPress CSS?

Changing the color of a button in WordPress can be done in a few simple steps. To begin, open your wp-config.

php file in your WordPress installation and locate the line containing the definition for the “wp_button” widget. This line should look something like this:.

define(‘WP_BUTTON_COLOR’, ‘#666’);

Next, you will need to replace the #666 value with the color of your choice. To do this, open your CSS file and locate the following line:

.wp-button {

background-color: #fff;


Replace #fff with the color of your choice and save the file. Finally, you will need to add this style to the head of your HTML document:

My Blog Title




Changing the color of a button in WordPress can be done in a few simple steps. By replacing the #666 value in your wp-config.

php file with the color of your choice, you can change the color of all WordPress buttons.