How Do I Change the Footer on My WordPress Admin?

When you first set up your WordPress site, you may have configured it to use a custom footer. If not, you can easily add one by following these steps:

Log in to your WordPress admin account. Click the “Appearance” link in the menu on the left. Under “Footer & Navigation,” click the “Footer” button.

In the Footer area, you can add text, links, and images. Click the “Save” button to finish.

If you want to change the footer for all pages on your site, you can use the following code:

“Example Site”,

‘copyright’ => “Copyright © 2017 Example, Inc.”,

‘terms of use’ => “Terms of Use”,

‘contact us’ => “Contact Us”,

‘privacy policy’ => “Privacy Policy”,


$footer = apply_filters( ‘the_footer’, $atts );

$footer .= ”

Example Site



