How Do I Change the Footer Text in WordPress?

Changing the Footer Text in WordPress

One of the most common tasks that WordPress users need to perform is to change the text on the footer of their website. This can be a relatively easy task, depending on the footer text that you want to change.

To change the footer text in WordPress, you will first need to open up your WordPress site in your browser. Once you are logged in, go to the “Appearance” tab and click on the “Footer” button.

Once you are in the Footer section of the Appearance tab, you will see a list of all the pages on your website. Select the page that you want to change the footer text on and then click on the “Footer Text” button.

Now, you will be able to edit the text that is displayed on the footer of the selected page. If you want to change the text for all pages on your website, you can click on the “Set Footer Text for All Pages” button.

If you only want to change the text on the current page, you can click on the “Edit Footer Text” button and then enter the new text that you want to appear on the footer of the selected page.

Once you have entered the new text, you can hit the “Update Footer Text” button to save your changes and update the footer text on the selected page.

If you want to keep the old footer text, you can hit the “Back” button and then the “Update Footer Text” button to save your changes without updating the footer text on the selected page.


Changing the footer text in WordPress is a relatively easy task that can be performed by anyone with a basic understanding of WordPress. With a few simple steps, you can update the text on the footer of any page on your website.