How Do I Change the Header Background in WordPress?

The header background in WordPress can be changed by following these steps:

1. Go to your WordPress dashboard and click on the Appearance tab.

2. On the left-hand side, under Header Background, you will see a selection of backgrounds to choose from.

3. Click on the background you want to use and it will be applied to the header.

4. To change the header color, go to the Colors tab and select a new color.

5. To change the font size, go to the Fonts tab and select a new size.

6. To change the header text, go to the Text tab and enter the new text.

7. To change the header images, go to the Images tab and select new images.

8. To save your changes, click on the Update button at the top of the Appearance tab.

9. That’s it! Your new header background, color, font size, and text will be live in your WordPress site.


Changing the header background in WordPress is easy and can be done in just a few steps. The updated header will look great on any WordPress site.