How Do I Change the List Style in WordPress?

WordPress is a popular content management system that allows users to create and manage their own websites. The default list style in WordPress is numbered lists, which can be easily changed using the list style editor. To change the list style in WordPress, follow these steps:

1. Open the list style editor by clicking on the “Styles” menu item in the WordPress admin area and selecting “List Style.”

2. On the list style editor page, select the style you would like to use from the list on the left side of the page.

3. Click on the “Apply” button to save your changes.

4. To preview your changes, click on the “Preview” button.

5. If you are happy with your changes, click on the “Publish” button to save your changes and update your site.

If you would like to revert your changes, click on the “Undo” button and then click on the “Publish” button to save your changes.

The list style in WordPress can be easily changed using the list style editor.