How Do I Change the Menu Place in WordPress?

The menu in WordPress is one of the most important parts of the site. It’s where you find all of the main content and features.

But it can be hard to find what you’re looking for. And if you want to change the menu place in WordPress, it can be a bit of a challenge.

Here are a few tips to help you change the menu place in WordPress:

1. Use the Custom Menu Plugin.

This plugin is one of the best ways to change the menu place in WordPress. It lets you create custom menus and add them to your site.

2. Use Custom Post Types.

You can also use custom post types to create custom menus. This is a great way to group related content together.

3. Use Themes.

A theme can also help you change the menu place in WordPress. This is because themes include built-in menus and CSS files.

4. Use Functions.

Functions are a great way to add custom functionality to your site. You can use functions to create custom menus, for example.

5. Use The Menu Builder.

The Menu Builder is a WordPress plugin that lets you create custom menus quickly and easily.

So there are lots of ways to change the menu place in WordPress. And once you know how to do it, it’s easy to customize the site to your own preferences.


Changing the menu place in WordPress can be a bit of a challenge. But with the help of plugins and themes, it’s definitely possible.