How Do I Change the Padding on WordPress?

If you want to change the padding on WordPress, there are a few different ways to do it. You can use the padding option in the customizer, or you can use the padding function.

The padding option in the customizer is easy to use. Just go to the customizer, and click on the “Padding” tab.

Here, you can set the padding for each column in the theme.

The padding function is a bit more complicated, but it’s also more powerful. You can use the padding function to set the padding for entire sections of your site. To use the padding function, first you need to get the padding argument. The padding argument is a function that takes three arguments.

The first argument is the number of columns that you want to padding. The second argument is the padding value, and the third argument is the padding percentage.

Once you have the padding argument, you can use it to set the padding for each section of your site. To do this, you need to use the padding() function.

The padding() function takes two arguments. The first argument is the section name, and the second argument is the padding value.

So, for example, you could use the padding() function to set the padding for the entire site. To do this, you would use the padding argument as follows:

padding(‘site’, 10, 20);


Changing the padding on WordPress is a easy task, and there are a few different ways to do it. The padding option in the customizer is easy to use, and the padding function is more complex but also more powerful.