How Do I Change the Permalinks to a Page Name in WordPress?

Permalinks are the URLs that WordPress uses to identify specific pages on your website. When you create a new post or page, WordPress assigns a permalinks automatically.

If you want to change the name of a post or page, you can do so by changing the permalinks. To change the permalinks for a post, go to the post’s edit screen and click on the “Permalink” button.

The “Permalink” screen will appear.

On the “Permalink” screen, you’ll see a list of all the posts and pages on your website. Beneath each post or page, you’ll see a “Permalink” field.

In the “Permalink” field, you can change the post’s or page’s name. After you’ve changed the name, click on the “Update” button to save the change.


Changing the permalinks on a WordPress website is easy, and it can help you to organize your website more effectively.