How Do I Change the Product Description in WordPress?

Changing the product description in WordPress is a simple process that can be done with a few clicks of a mouse. To begin, open your WordPress admin panel and click on “Products” in the left-hand sidebar.

From here, you will be able to view all of your products, as well as their descriptions.

To make changes to your product description, click on the product title and then on the “Description” tab. You will now be able to enter new text for your product’s description.

Be sure to use keywords that your Target audience would be interested in, and be sure to provide a clear, concise explanation of what your product does.

When you are finished, click on the “Update” button to save your changes. You can also preview your changes before you make them by clicking on the “Preview” button.

Finally, be sure to click on the “Publish” button to publish your changes to your product’s description.


Changing the product description in WordPress is a simple process that can be done with a few clicks of a mouse. By providing a clear, concise explanation of what your product does as well as Targeting keywords that your Target audience is likely to be interested in, you can ensure that your product description isEffective and engaging.