How Do I Change the URL of a WordPress Database in MySQL?

Changing the URL of a WordPress database in MySQL can be done by following these steps:

1. Open up the MySQL database that contains the WordPress data.

2. Change the URL for the WordPress database in the MySQL database.

3. Restart the MySQL server.

4. Verify the new URL by accessing it through a web browser.

Changing the URL for a WordPress database in MySQL can be done by following these steps:

3. Save the changes to the MySQL database.


In general, changing the URL for a WordPress database in MySQL is a simple process that can be completed with a few simple steps. However, there are a few things to keep in mind when doing so, including the need to ensure that the MySQL server is restarted in order for the changes to take effect.

Once the new URL is verified, it can be used as the default URL for the WordPress database in future instances.