How Do I Change the URL of My WordPress Page?

WordPress is a popular content management system (CMS) used to create a website or blog. A URL is the address of a web page. WordPress pages have URLs like http://www. You can change the URL of a WordPress page by following these steps:.

1. Go to the WordPress admin area.

2. Click on the Settings button in the toolbar.

3. In the Settings area, click on the Pages tab.

4. In the Pages area, under the URL section, type the new URL for the page.

5. Click on the Save Settings button.

6. Click on the Publish button to publish the page.

7. Click on the Home button to return to the WordPress home page.

8. Click on the Blog button to view the published page.

9. Click on the Edit link to modify the page.

10. Click on the URL link to view the page’s URL.

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