How Do I Change the WooCommerce Checkout Page in WordPress?

Changing the WooCommerce checkout page in WordPress can be a daunting task, but with a little bit of planning and effort, it’s certainly possible.

The first step is to gather the necessary files. You’ll need to download the WooCommerce checkout page template from WooThemes, and the WooCommerce checkout page customizer from WPBakeryCo.

com. Once you have these files, you’ll need to open them in your WordPress admin panel.

The first thing you’ll want to do is change the name of the file. WooThemes provides a customizer file called WooCommerce checkout page customizer.php, while provides a customizer file called WooCommerce checkout page.

php. So, in your WordPress admin panel, change the file name to something more indicative of what you’re doing, like WooCommerce checkout page customizer.php.

Once you’ve renamed the file, you’ll want to open it in your WordPress editor. In the customizer, you’ll want to change the header and footer sections. In the header section, you’ll want to change the text to say “WooCommerce checkout page” instead of “WooCommerce checkout.

” In the footer section, you’ll want to change the text to say “© 2018 WooThemes, Inc.” instead of “© 2016 WooThemes, Inc.”.

Once you’ve made these changes, you’ll want to save the file and return to your WordPress admin panel. In the header section, you’ll want to add a line of code that says.

This will add the WooCommerce checkout page template file to your WordPress site.

In the footer section, you’ll want to add a line of code that says . This will add the copyright information to your WordPress site.

Finally, you’ll want to add a line of code in the header section that says . This will add the WordPress login form to your WordPress site.

Now that you have the WooCommerce checkout page template and customizer installed, it’s time to add the checkout page itself. In the header section, you’ll want to add a line of code that says .

This will add the WordPress login form to your WordPress site.

Next, in the body of the page, you’ll want to add a line of code that says

‘customizer_checkout_form’)); ?>

. This will create the WooCommerce checkout page template.

Finally, you’ll want to add the code that will allow users to enter their information. In the header section, you’ll want to add a line of code that says


This will create the WooCommerce checkout page.

Now that you have the WooCommerce checkout page template and code installed, it’s time to add the functionality that will allow users to enter their information. In the header section, you’ll want to add a line of code that says