How Do I Create a Catalog in WordPress?

Creating a catalog in WordPress is very simple and can be done in just a few minutes. First, you will need to create a new file called catalog.

php and place it in your WordPress theme folder. In this file, you will need to include the following code:.


echo array(

‘name’ => __( ‘Catalog Name’, ‘wpthemes’ ),

‘description’ => __( ‘A catalog of widgets for your site.’ ),

‘slug’ => __( ‘catalog’, ‘wpthemes’ ),

‘type’ => ‘page’



In the above code, you will need to include the following classes: WP_Widget and WP_Catalog. WP_Widget is a core WordPress class that all Widgets use, and WP_Catalog is a custom class that we have created specifically for catalogs. Next, we need to create an init function for our WP_Catalog class.

This function will need to be included in your theme’s functions.php file. The init function should look like the following:.

* Init the catalog

In the above code, we are initializing our WP_Catalog class by calling the parent WP_Widget class. Next, we need to create our display function.

This function will be responsible for displaying our catalog on the site. The display function should look like the following:.

In the above code, we are displaying our catalog using the following structure: name, description, slug, and type. We also include a link to our page in the bottom of the catalog. Now, we need to add a reference to our WP_Catalog class in our theme’s functions.

php file. The functions.php file should look like the following:.


Finally, we need to add a widget to our theme’s sidebar. The widget should look like the following:

add_action(‘widgets_init’, ‘WP_Catalog’);


In the above code, we are adding a widget to our theme’s sidebar called WP_Catalog. We can now use this widget to display our catalog on the site.

Simply include the WP_Catalog widget in your sidebar, and then call the display function to display your catalog.
