How Do I Create a Conditional Form in WordPress?

Creating a conditional form in WordPress is easy. To start, create a new file in your theme’s wp-content/plugins folder and name it “conditional_form.

php.” Inside this file, add the following code:.

You can now add a conditional field to any post or page by editing the page or post’s content and adding the following code to the appropriate spot:

To make this conditional form work properly, you will need to add a couple of lines of code to your theme’s functions.php file. The first line will tell WordPress what plugin to use to handle the conditional form:

add_action( ‘init’, ‘wp_conditional_form_init’ );

The second line will tell WordPress which condition to use when checking the form’s validity:

if ( ‘conditional_form’ == get_option( ‘theme_name’ ) ) { // Use the conditional form’s default condition } else { // Use the conditional form’s condition defined in functions.php }

Finally, you will need to add a couple of lines of code to your conditional_form.php file to create the form and handle the submitted data. The first line will create the form:

$form = new wp_conditional_form();

The second line will check the form’s validity and run the appropriate code based on the result:

if ( $form->isValid() ) { // Process the form data } else { // Display a message indicating that the form is not valid }


Creating a conditional form in WordPress is easy. By following these simple steps, you can create a form that will allow users to enter information based on a condition.