How Do I Create a Contact Form in WordPress Com?

A contact form is an essential tool for any website. It allows visitors to easily and quickly send you messages.

Creating a contact form in WordPress is easy.

First, create a new file in your WordPress site. Name the file contact.

php and place it in your WordPress administration area.

Next, open contact.php and add the following code:

Contact Form

In the code above, you will find the following:

The get_header() function calls the WordPress header.

The get_footer() function calls the WordPress footer.

The contact.php file contains the main content of the contact form.

The code first gets the WordPress header. This is done by calling the get_header() function.

Next, the code gets the WordPress footer. This is done by calling the get_footer() function.

The contact form contains three sections: the name section, the email section, and the message section.

The name section contains a text input field for the user to enter their name.

The email section contains an email input field for the user to enter their email address.

The message section contains a textarea for the user to enter their message.

The code contains a submit button that the user can click to submit the form.

The code ends by getting the WordPress footer and calling the get_footer() function.

Now, let’s look at how to create the contact form in WordPress.

To create the contact form, first you need to create a new file in your WordPress site.php and add the.