How Do I Create a Custom Post Meta in WordPress?

Custom meta data is a great way to give your posts additional information that can help you better organize and manage your blog posts. To create custom meta data in WordPress, follow these steps:

First, open your post editor and add a new line at the bottom of the post.

Next, add the following information to the new line:

meta_key = “Custom Meta Data”

meta_value = “Your Custom Meta Data”

Now, let’s create your custom meta data. To do this, you’ll need to know the name of the meta tag that WordPress uses to store custom data.

The meta_key for custom meta data is ” custom_meta “. The meta_value for custom meta data is the data you want to store.

Here are some examples of valid meta data that you might want to include in your posts:

title: My Title

description: A brief description of the post

author: My Name

date: Today’s Date

tags: My Tags

Now that you know how to create custom meta data, let’s look at a few examples of how to use it.

In the following example, the title of the post is being stored in the meta_title meta tag and the date of the post is being stored in the meta_date meta tag.

In the following example, the author of the post is being stored in the meta_author meta tag and the tags of the post are being stored in the meta_tags meta tag.

Finally, in the following example, the author’s Twitter handle is being stored in the meta_twitter meta tag.
