How Do I Create a Dynamic Logo in WordPress?

Creating a dynamic logo in WordPress is a fairly simple process. The first step is to create a folder called “logos” in your WordPress installation.

In this folder, you’ll want to create a file called “logo.png” (or any other filename you prefer).

Next, you’ll want to create a file called “style.css” in your WordPress installation and add the following code to it:

#logos {

width: 100%;

height: 100%;

background-image: url(logo.png);

background-repeat: no-repeat;


Finally, you’ll want to create a file called “functions.php” in your WordPress installation and add the following code to it:

function logo() {

global $logo_url;

$logo_url = WordPress_ logo();

function WordPress_ logo() {

return ‘' . $this->get_bloginfo(‘name’) . ‘”>';.</p><p>That’s all there is to it! Whenever you make a change to your logo.png file, you’ll need to update the code in functions.php and src/header.</p><p>php. If you’d like to make your logo responsive, you can add the following code to functions.php:.</p><p>global $logo_url, $responsive_width, $responsive_height;</p><p>if ( ! empty( $responsive_width ) && ! empty( $responsive_height ) ) {</p><p>$logo_url .= ‘<img