How Do I Create a Dynamic Mega Menu in WordPress?

Creating a Dynamic Mega Menu in WordPress is a breeze. The first step is to create a new menu item. To do this, go to Menu > Menus > New Menu Item. In the Name field, enter Mega Menu.

In the Description field, enter A dynamic mega menu that updates automatically based on posts and pages. Click Create Menu Item.

Now, create a new post or page. When you create the post or page, WordPress will automatically populate the Mega Menu with the post or page’s title and excerpt.

If you don’t want the post or page to appear in the Mega Menu, you can exclude it by clicking the Exclude This Post From The Mega Menu link next to the post’s or page’s title.

To add a new item to the Mega Menu, simply go to Menu > Menus > Add New Menu Item and enter the name of the new item. WordPress will automatically populate the Description field with the text you entered in the Name field when you created the new menu item.

To update an item in the Mega Menu, go to Menu > Menus > Edit Menu Item and enter the new title and excerpt for the item. WordPress will automatically update the Description field with the new text you entered.

To delete an item from the Mega Menu, go to Menu > Menus > Delete Menu Item. WordPress will ask you to confirm the deletion.

That’s all there is to it! Now, your Dynamic Mega Menu will update automatically based on posts and pages, making it a convenient way to find content quickly.