How Do I Create a Login Menu in WordPress?

Creating a login menu in WordPress is a fairly simple process. First, you need to create a menu item in your WordPress admin area.

Next, you will need to create a template file for the menu item. Finally, you will need to add a custom function to your theme to create the menu.

To create a menu item in WordPress, first navigate to your WordPress admin area and locate the “Menus” menu. Next, click on the “Add New” button and enter the following information into the “Menu Title” field:


Next, you will need to create a template file for the “Login” menu item. To do this, click on the “Add New” button and enter the following information into the “File Name” field:


Next, you will need to create a custom function to create the “Login” menu item. To do this, click on the “Add New” button and enter the following information into the “Function Name” field:


Finally, you will need to add a line of code to your theme’s functions.php file to activate the custom function:

register_activation_hook( ‘login_menu’, ‘register_template_file’, ‘register_custom_function’ );

Now, your “Login” menu item will be available in your WordPress admin area.