How Do I Create a Ninja Form in WordPress?

Creating a ninja form in WordPress is easy. First, you need to create a new form.

You can find this option by going to the Widgets area and selecting the Form widget.

Once you have created your new form, you will need to add some fields. The first field is the action field. This is where you will specify what the form should do. The second field is the label field. This is where you will specify the label for the form. The third field is the input field.

This is where you will add the data for the form. The fourth field is the submit button field. This is where you will add the button that will submit the form. The last field is the hidden field. This is where you will add the field that will be hidden from the user.

To create the ninja form, you will need to add the following code to your theme’s functions.php file:

add_action(‘widgets_init’, ‘ninja_form’);

function ninja_form() {

$form = new wp_form(

‘action’ => ‘ninja_action’,

‘label’ => __( ‘Ninja Form’, ‘wpbeginner’ ),

‘input’ => ‘text’,

‘hidden’ => true,

‘type’ => ‘submit’,

‘default_value’ => ‘Submit’



return $form;


This function will create the ninja form and add it to the WordPress form area. You can now use the form to create your ninja forms.