How Do I Create a Popup Menu in WordPress?

Creating a popup menu in WordPress is an easy process. First, create a new menu item in the admin area of your WordPress site. For example, you might create a new menu item called “Settings” and insert the following code into the

  • tag:

  • Finally, add the following code to the

    tag that corresponds to the popup window you just created:

    That’s all there is to it! Your popup menu will now be displayed when users click on the corresponding menu item in the admin area of your WordPress site.

    If you want to add additional options to the popup window, you can do so by adding additional parameters to the wp_popup() function call. For example, you could add a parameter that allows users to close the popup window by clicking on the “X” button below it.


    Creating a popup menu in WordPress is easy. By following these simple steps, you can easily create a custom menu item and add a popup window to it that allows users to access additional options or content.